Grading policy @ GolfBallsHUB


Of course, the following grading policy is only applicable to "used balls".

"New balls" are exactly that: New balls in their original sleeves that have never been used.


Remember our used balls have been "retrieved for you from the plants, not from the lakes". This makes a big difference in terms of the balls' quality, since no damage from water will be present. 

Please check what VICE Golf has to say in this respect in the following link.

If we don´t sale "lake balls", maybe we sell "plant balls"? ;)


After having thoroughly cleaned our used balls, we will manually classify them in three grades: Mint (A), Great (B) and Good (C).

Please see below examples of what you could expect in a category:

  • Feature / Grade

  • -- MINT --

  • -- GREAT --

  • -- GOOD --

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  • Overall wear & tear

  • Not noticeable

  • As expected in a ball
    played for some holes

  • Clearly noticeable

    (mostly due to discoloration)

  • Player pen markings and
    corporate logos 

  • May be present in any condition

  • May be present in any condition

  • May be present in any condition

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  • Original gloss & color

  • Intact

  • May be slightly lost

  • Will most probably be lost

  • Discoloration

  • Light may be present

  • Could be noticable

  • May be clearly noticeable

  • Stains

  • May have small dots

  • May have more and bigger dots

  • May have larger areas stained

  • Scratches / Dents

  • Tiny may be present

  • Small may be present

  • Medium may be present

  • Cracks / Cuts

  • Not present

  • Not present

  • Not present

  • Practice or refurbished

  • Not present

  • Not present

  • Not present

  •  Mint: We are never sure if these balls have been hit once or twice, as their look and feel is very close to that of a new ball. In this category you can expect player pen markings and/or corporate logos, some stains or tiny dents (all of which may or may not be present). Rest assured that as soon as there is "something noticeable" on one of these balls we immediately downgrade them to "Great".

  • Great: As explained, these balls just missed the "Mint" grade cut. These are in great condition, but already got that "something" to make their used condition more noticeable (i.e. minor gloss loss, slight discoloration, and small stains or dents, all of which may or may not be present).

  • Good: These balls might not look so pleasant to the eye but are still perfectly good to play. Here you may or may not find major gloss loss, larger discoloration and bigger stains and/or dents (all of which may or may not be present). Don't get us wrong: This category doesn't include "all what cannot be considered as Mint or Great". There is still a quality assessment applied to this category and, if a ball does not pass it, we simply don´t sell it.

How does the grading process actually work?

Imagine we put 400 ProV1s together (yes, it is a great view!!). We would start by trashing everything that looks very bad... Then we will find out the ones that are more discolored, less glossy, more stained or with more visible dents and we send those to the "Good" bucket. From all the others, we will check if they still have something noticeable on them or not. If we can find something (small dents, minor gloss loss, stains, some degree of discoloration) then those will be sent to the "Great" bucket and if, finally, we cannot really find anything noticeable on a ball, those are our wonderful "Mint" balls!

Jut for you to have an idea, in GolfBallsHUB we are also avid mid/low handicap golfers and we all play with "Great" balls. Simply because we don´t need them to be perfect and they are still great.

Enjoy your balls!